
Equal opportunities and mutual respect for women and girls stand among the most hotly contested social issues in America.

The divisions that exist affect the development of confidence, disturb corporate boardrooms and even disrupt presidential politics. 

The journey of the female athlete is often discouraging, and despite progress achieved during the Title IX era, gender equity in athletics has a long way to go.

TOMBOY explores the obstacles that young girls encounter on the recreational stage, the stereotypes, language issues and cultural disparities that follow, and ultimately the insufficient media coverage and compensation that afflicts elite professional athletes seeking full recognition for their talents.

TOMBOY is a multiplatform documentary project told through the voices of many of the world’s most prominent female athletes, broadcasters and sports executives.  

It will culminate in a one-hour television special premiering in March on CSN Bay Area. Check this page daily for new content releases as we elevate the conversation about gender in sports...

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