Speculation regarding Tommy Tuberville‘s interest -- or lack thereof -- in the Miami job was all over the map Friday, with sources telling one outlet that he has shown no interest and others sources telling different members of the media that he’s still going hard after the vacancy.
This evening, Tuberville addressed the rumors and, while he admitted that he did talk to the school, there is no offer on the table and, more importantly if you’re a Red Raiders fan, he’s not a candidate.
In fact, Tuberville described the contact as nothing more than a former employer trying to help out his ex-employee.
“I have not been offered a job,” Tuberville said according to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. “I did talk to Miami, more from the fact that I spent 10 years down there and I know a lot about it. It was nothing but to help them kind of understand from the outside in what I pretty much thought they needed to do to get back where they used to be.
“Obviously, they talked to me. But again, as I explained, I spent the first part of my career down there. I want to make sure that if I could help them any way, in terms of giving them some thoughts about what I thought about it.”
While it’s very hard to take any coach at their word this time of year, it appears you can cross Tuberville’s name and cross it off Miami’s list.