Dan Jenkins, a writer so prolific and profound that he was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame, died on Thursday at his Fort Worth, Texas home. He was 89.
The golf world, including several of Jenkins’ peers in the media, paid tribute to the legend on social media.
The golf world just lost a special man. A person who connected players and fans alike. Dan Jenkins' words will always carry extraordinary meaning and hopefully his legacy will inspire generations of journalists to come in a world of the “sound bite.” RIP pic.twitter.com/sNkLAVwDcL
— GARY PLAYER (@garyplayer) March 8, 2019
So grateful to PGA for organizing annual luncheon @PGAChampionship for its Lifetime Achievement Award winners. Last time I shared company with His Ownself, The Greatest of all time. Wonder what he would be writing on this sad day in sports writing and golf history. pic.twitter.com/ve72x7AWnh
— Tim Rosaforte (@RosaforteGolf) March 8, 2019
Gutted to hear that we have lost Dan Jenkins. One of the all-time great sportswriters and a huge influence on all of us. I loved seeing Jenkins in the press room at the majors - always a twinkle in his eye and a barb on his lips. Pouring one out tonight for His Ownself.
— Alan Shipnuck (@AlanShipnuck) March 8, 2019
I've worked in this business 32 years, and I've kept only one note from a sportswriter. From the greatest of all time, Dan Jenkins. This was like a JV high school golfer who can't break 100 getting a note from Ben Hogan: pic.twitter.com/AbVTo4dCEm
— Ian O'Connor (@Ian_OConnor) March 8, 2019
Statement from former @PGATOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem on passing of Dan Jenkins pic.twitter.com/73HY0dFvbs
— PGA TOUR Communications (@PGATOURComms) March 8, 2019
It is difficult to overplay how revered Dan Jenkins was - and will remain - in golf writing. The sport will be far poorer without his sharp wit and effortless ability to slice through the BS https://t.co/bVjBTUmKrN
— James Corrigan (never had a blue tick) (@jcorrigangolf) March 8, 2019
Massive loss of His Ownself, Dan Jenkins. "I never wrote a line I didn't believe," is one thing he said that stays with me.
— Doug Ferguson (@dougferguson405) March 8, 2019
Quite simply, Dan Jenkins invented modern sports writing. He was the Hunter S. Thompson or Tom Wolfe of the genre. Gonzo golf writer. Here's a bit of an interview I did with him at Pebble Beach: https://t.co/UMLLvROlm2
— Ron Sirak (@ronsirak) March 8, 2019
My dad and I used to call each other to read the funniest passages from our latest Dan Jenkins novel. Nobody wrote golf like him. Nobody wrote like him, period. Dead solid sad today.
— Whit Watson (@realWhitWatson) March 8, 2019
When I covered my very first major, one of my top priorities was to carve out a brief moment with Dan Jenkins. There wasn’t a single person in that media center whose interest he didn’t inspire, and whose career he didn’t shape. What an amazing life to have led.
— Will Gray (@WillGrayGolfbet) March 8, 2019
Crushed to hear the passing of Dan Jenkins. You made all Frogs proud. Your imagination and humor set you apart. Will forever be missed. #RIP🙏
— Angela Stanford (@Angela_Stanford) March 8, 2019
Dan Jenkins was an American original. Razor sharp wit, prideful Texan and boy did he love Hogan. We all loved him. RIP Dan
— Dan Hicks (@DanHicksNBC) March 8, 2019
The brilliance of Dan Jenkins’ writing goes without saying. I will miss standing outside a clubhouse while he and Ken Burger smoked like chimneys and broke down the world. RIP to the funniest sportswriter there ever was.
— Joe Posnanski (@JPosnanski) March 8, 2019
"Always keep in mind that if God didn't want a man to have mulligans, golf balls wouldn't come three to a sleeve." -Dan Jenkins, who left us yesterday, slipping away to a higher tee. God Bless you.
— Bob Denney (@pgahistorybug) March 8, 2019
You were a thoroughbred here, and you're a thoroughbred up there. pic.twitter.com/u8P0CUXY2r
Just got the sad word that the great writer Dan Jenkins passed away tonight. RIP to the king of golf writing. What a big life he lived. I was proud to have him as a friend and blessed to have him as a creative inspiration.
— Jeff Rude (@JeffRudeGolf) March 8, 2019
Always enjoyed a coffee and a smoke with Dan Jenkins outside one press room or another. He was only having the occasional puff at Augusta two years ago when we sat on the balcony and did a Quick 18 for @IndoSport https://t.co/7OsbHaNHz4 RIP Dan. What an operator.
— Brian Keogh (@IrishGolfDesk) March 8, 2019
The game of golf won't be the same without the wit and insight of legendary writer Dan Jenkins. We are saddened by his passing and forever thankful for the role he played in covering scores of #USOpens, starting in 1951.
— USGA (@USGA) March 8, 2019
"Through his work, Dan brought to life many of golf’s legendary players while also sharing his appreciation for PGA Professionals who daily work to grow the game. Dan kept us on our toes with his wit & we will dearly miss him. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.” (2/2)
— PGA of America (@PGA) March 8, 2019
His professionalism, humility, personality, humor, and above all is love of people and the world of sports will be dearly missed. As TCU Horned Frogs, we’ve shared many a game together. Tonight, I put my “Frogs Up” for you Dan Jenkins. The GOAT of American Sportwriters! 🙏🏻 #RIP pic.twitter.com/IZgnlEDwW3
— JJ Henry (@jjhenrygolf) March 8, 2019
Dan Jenkins saw it all, did it all and wrote it all, and he would have been great just because of that. But he was the best because of how generous he was with his time and his mind. Sitting and listening over the years was like winning the sportswriter lottery. Thank you, Dan.
— Matthew Rudy (@RudyWriter) March 8, 2019
One of a kind, and massively influential. Loved reading him. Rest easy. https://t.co/1cfx0wzPPi
— Cameron Morfit (@CMorfitPGATOUR) March 8, 2019
Crushed by the news of the passing of @danjenkinsgd, his Ownself. Happy that he is back together with Hogan.
— Dave Shedloski (@DaveShedloski) March 8, 2019