Except for the fact that three writers -- not one, not two but three writers -- from something called “GolfersWest.com” have Hall of Fame votes. And justify votes for some guys by saying things like "[a]dmitted bias here, as I covered [player] for his entire career ...”
But fine, the GolfersWest.com did cover baseball for a long time and their ballots are not awful or anything. But gee whiz this is a bit much:
Today Joe Sheehan -- whose newsletter is fabulous and to which you should subscribe -- said the following:
I’ve seen nothing to dissuade me of that notion.
There are probably a dozen dudes on the ballot this year who far exceed historical precedent for induction. If the patterns shown among publicly-released ballots so far, absolutely none are getting in. All because a bunch of writers who, once upon a time, covered baseball for a living have decided that they are neither reporters nor historians nor analysts, but bouncers at Studio 54. Just fabulous.