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On Our Way Home ebook will be 99 cents on Christmas Day (and Christmas Day only)

Do not buy the On Our Way Home ebook.

That’s right. Don’t buy it. At least not until Christmas Day.

As of Monday, the price drops from $3.99 to $0.99, for Christmas Day and Christmas Day only. It starts at midnight EST on Monday, and it lasts until the following midnight.

I decided to do it this morning. It’s only fair to those of you who might buy it before Monday to disclose it.

Of course, you’re still welcome to buy it between now and Christmas Day. It will make for some quality close-to-Christmas reading. And every penny I get goes to the Humane Society of Harrison County, West Virginia. So if you pay $3.99, that’s more cash for the rescued dogs and cats.

The print edition is only $9.99. Which is still one hell of a bargain.

But it’s not the bargain that $0.99 will be on Monday. Buy it then. Get it now if you want to kick an extra $3 to the cause.

It’s a Christmas story that lands at the intersection of A Christmas Carol and It’s A Wonderful Life. Like Ebenezer Scrooge and George Bailey, John Persepio goes through some stuff. It’s a little dark. It’s a little depressing. It’s a little dreary. But there’s ultimately a payoff.

David Mamet says that a good ending is both surprising and inevitable. The ending of On Our Way Home is both. And it’s inevitable that, one of these Christmases, you’ll give it a try.

Why not now?

Or at least on Monday, when your downside is one penny less than one dollar.