When Broncos coach John Fox was asked this week which of quarterback Peyton Manning’s ankles are sprained, Fox didn’t hesitate to answer with a non-answer.
“I don’t have to tell you that,” Fox said, laughing.
The joke’s on whoever assumed that Peyton has only one ankle injury. According to Chris Mortensen of ESPN, both ankles are injured.
One happened against the Jaguars in Week Six, and the other came in Week Seven at Indy. Dr. Robert Anderson has reviewed scans of the injuries, one of which reportedly is a mild version of the dreaded high ankle sprain.
Per Mort, Manning will get through Sunday’s game on painkillers and adrenaline. He’ll then have two weeks to get ready for the next game.
Meanwhile, an argument could be made that the Broncos took some unfair liberties with the injury report. If, in the end, both ankles were injured, shouldn’t the injury report has used the plural of the term when disclosing the condition?