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Santana Moss: Mark Brunell was my best QB in a decade in Washington

Washington Redskins v New York Giants

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Here’s how bad the quarterback situation in Washington was during Santana Moss’s 10 seasons with the team: He says a past-his-prime Mark Brunell was the best quarterback he played with.

Moss, a wide receiver who played in Washington from 2005 to 2014, said on CSN Mid Atlantic that Brunell was his best quarterback.

It may not be surprising that Moss feels that way, seeing as he had his best season in 2005, when Brunell was Washington’s quarterback. But it doesn’t speak well for the quality of the quarterbacks the franchise had that the top quarterback over the course of a decade was Brunell, who arrived in Washington at age 33 after the Jaguars sent him packing.

Moss ranked his Top 5 quarterbacks in Washington as follows:

1. Brunell

2. Donovan McNabb

3. Rex Grossman

4. Jason Campbell

5. Robert Griffin III

It would have been unthinkable a few years ago that RGIII would leave Washington with a legacy of “not as good as Rex Grossman and Jason Campbell,” but that’s what Moss thinks now.