Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said he didn’t “make a lot” of the Raiders’ nosing around the other corner of Texas, but Texans owner Bob McNair is certainly paying attention.
“It’s not surprising they would look there cause they’re looking around,” McNair said, via John McClain of the Houston Chronicle. “We have a growing fan base there.
“I’m not concerned bout it. We’ll see what the options are. If that’s the best option we’ll see how it plays out.”
Of course, McNair is just one vote of the 32, and the Raiders would need 23 others to get approval to move. But McNair sounded like a guy reminding people about his turf, while trying to sound open-minded.
“The finance committee would have to approve it and I’m chairman of finance committee,” he said. “You’d have to do market research.”
“They need a new stadium. If San Antonio turns out to be the best option I wouldn’t oppose it just cause it’s San Antonio.”
Considering the still vacant hole in the country’s second-largest market, all this talk about the 36th-largest market seems unusual.
But then again, these are the Raiders we’re talking about.