Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver has confirmed the widely held belief that he’s a big Tim Tebow fan, but he says he’ll trust his football people to stay true to their draft board rather than draft the Florida quarterback just because he’s a local hero.
“Personally, I think Tim Tebow is an extraordinary young man and he’s an extraordinary athlete,” Tebow Weaver told the Florida Times-Union. “He’s going to be successful in the National Football League.”
But Weaver said he doesn’t want his personal feelings about Tebow to affect the Jaguars’ decision making.
“What we’ve got to do is trust our value board in our draft,” Weaver said. “If we force a pick, then we devalue thousands of hours of work by our scouts. We have to be true to our mission and go take the best player with our pick. When we do that, we get good results.”
Jaguars fans have made clear that they just want good results, too.