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Olympic champ becomes fastest man on ice in unusual record attempt

Kjeld Nuis

Kjeld Nuis in action during a record attempt for Kjeld’s Quest for Speed in Lulea, Sweden on March 28 2018.

Jarno Schurgers

Dutch speed skater Kjeld Nuis followed his Olympic 1000m and 1500m titles by becoming the fastest man ever on ice, according to sponsor Red Bull, in an unusual record attempt.

Nuis reached 93 kilometers per hour, or nearly 58 miles per hour, skating behind a Seat Ateca towing a wind shield for 2000m in Lulea, a city on the Northern coast of Sweden near the Arctic Circle, according to Red Bull.

Red Bull said it was not aware of any previous speed record.

Video is here.

Nuis said afterward that he started shaking at about the 90 kph mark and felt he couldn’t control his skates at that speed.

The world record for the shortest Olympic event -- the 500m -- on an oval is 33.98 seconds, or an average of about 33 mph.

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