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Golf Channel Notable Quotes
Golf Central Live From the U.S. Open
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 (7-9 p.m. ET)
Erin HillsErin, Wisconsin

On Erin HillsRich Lerner –“There is a field a dreams quality to it all here at Erin Hills. Build it and they will come. 35,000 fans watching 156 players trying to win the U.S. Open.”Frank Nobilo –“What we’ll find out this week is what we didn’t know about these really talented young players. There is a new department store on the PGA TOUR and it is pumping out talent every single day.”Brandel Chamblee –“This is a perfect storm. This is a physically demanding golf course and that goes along perfectly with this physically impressive Tour. Given the weather that we have, this is the perfect storm to see the type of golf that perfectly suits this generation and the type of golf that this generation plays.”David Duval –“Not only is this a big golf course that will favor the modern player, but it also is wide and it also has become wider because of the moisture on the fairways.”Duval –“We are going to see a U.S. Open contested on a golf course over the next four days that is built for the modern player, the modern game, the modern ball and the modern equipment. They are going to be able to free-wheel it and get after it off the tee.”Duval –“The young players are going to try to bully this golf course because they have the room to play. It is going to be fascinating to see what is going to happen over the next few days.”

On Erin Hills and the anticipated slower pace of play due to the length of the golf courseDuval –“There is a great tournament back in Denver at my club a Cherry Hills this week called the Hillsdilly. This isn’t the Hillsdilly. This is the national championship. The U.S. Open. The best players in the world. Let’s not lose sight that we’re not contesting your little Saturday morning match here. This is about the best players in the world and trying to identify that. This is championship golf at the highest level. Sorry if it is going to be a little slower, but it takes time to get excellence.”Lerner –“So there is your early headline. This is not the Hillsdilly Open.”Chamblee –“This is the real deal, not the Hillsdilly.”

On Dustin JohnsonChamblee –“To be a great player, you have to have great technique. But you also have to have a great attitude. Watching Dustin Johnson navigate through these rules fiascos and then Chambers Bay in 2015 at the U.S. Open, never blaming anyone, never throwing a club, never cussing, never causing any disturbance whatsoever. That is a man that has the game in the perfect perspective. Those are manifestations of a man who doesn’t let consequences or outside influence his inside. He’s in the perfect spot to play and get the most out of his talents.”Duval –“Great players have a short memory. These are designed to make you fail. The guy who succeeds and wins is the guy who fails the least and keeps his wits about him. Dustin is as good as anybody about keeping his wits about him.”

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