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American Century Championship
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Kyle Williams
Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome into the media room second-place finisher, Kyle Williams. You’ve set the all-time high for a defensive lineman in this event.

KYLE WILLIAMS: Silver lining in everything, right?

Q. You played three very good rounds this week. Gotta be pretty proud of yourself.
KYLE WILLIAMS: I was. It was a great week. I had a lot of fun but just couldn’t get the ball to drop today. And that’s kind of how golf goes.

So proud of Mardy and happy for him. I know he’s been beating on the door for a long time. And for him to finally get one in there, I’m happy for him.

Q. Finished second in only your second try out here is pretty impressive. So take us through your round. I understand it started off with Mardy hitting one in the water again on No. 1.
KYLE WILLIAMS: I had my opportunities. Mardy hit it in the water on 1. I hit it to about six feet behind the hole and he ran about a 25-foot bogey putt in from the right side of the green, and I left my six-footer out. So you can look at that and very easily he miss and I make and we’re in a dead heat the rest of the day.

I had plenty of looks. I had one loose swing on -- was it 6? -- that basically cost me. I made a double. Other than that, you know, I hit the ball pretty good. And just the way the day was, I didn’t make what I’ve been making.

To only make one birdie today, kind of the writing was on the wall. I knew if I only made one birdie today it wasn’t going to get it done. But I played pretty solid. To shoot what I have over the last three days, I’m not going to complain about it. Had a great week and looking forward to more.

Q. What are you going to do as far as working on your game? What do you think it needs any work on to win this thing; you came awful close this time?
KYLE WILLIAMS: I think the more you spend time on this golf course, the more familiar you become with it. Especially the greens. Where last year I was totally lost on the greens. This year I felt a little more comfortable.

My reads were by no imagination perfect, obviously from today. But I’m getting a general feel for them. I think I already told you that when the ball is moving right I can tell it’s moving right. I think that will continue to tighten up with reps and time here.

But the golf course is great. It’s so much fun to play tee-to-green. You think that you’re going to have a lot of wedges in your hand and you’re going to be able to take advantage of it but the greens are kind of the big equalizer here. But like I said, the scenery, the weather, the field, you guys, everybody who organizes this things makes it a special week for all of us.

Q. Did you feel nerves going in today? First time going in with the lead in this tournament. Only two years, but you were in a different sport, football, you know what you needed to expect. Here, maybe not.
KYLE WILLIAMS: Honestly, no, I just don’t -- for whatever reason it’s not something that affects me. Like I said earlier, if I go play with my friends or by myself, I hit good and bad shots, whether it’s nerves or not. I was in a good place all week. I didn’t get nervy. I don’t feel like I missed a shot because of nerves or I had something going on.

Just sometimes with us being ex-professionals or professionals at something else, we’re not going to hit the ball the way the professionals do or we’re not going to roll the ball the way they do.

As competitive as we are and think we ought to, it just doesn’t work out that way. And I’m looking forward to -- I think the more reps you get, the more comfortable, good things are ahead. Like I said, finishing second, I’m so happy for Mardy.

I don’t like that he did it at my expense, but at the same time I’m really happy for him.

Q. With Brady out of the AFC East now, do you think the Bills are among the favorites or maybe the favorite?
KYLE WILLIAMS: I think the Bills are equipped to be one of the favorites in the AFC, just not the AFC East. But we’re all looking at the circumstances of what sports in general, the NFL is, this year. And who knows.

I know Sean McDermott very well. If anyone is able to get ahead with the peculiar year we have had, he will be able to can; he can put together a plan together and execute a plan. But I think the Bills are loaded for some great things this year. Hopefully I’ll get to watch them play and we’ll all get to watch them play.

Q. Obviously 13 years with the Bills, you didn’t see -- I don’t know if you saw any playoff games.
KYLE WILLIAMS: One. One playoff game.

Q. Does it make you want to go back now that they’re potential contenders?
KYLE WILLIAMS: Absolutely not. (Laughter).

You know, I had a great run. I have no complaints about what my career was. Obviously I wish we would have won more.

But I think that even if you ask Tom Brady, as much as he’s won, he’s always going to tell you I wish we would’ve won more or done this differently.

But I think the thing that can’t be replicated in my years there is the relationships that I have with people all across the country and the league and the guys I got to know and things like that.

So I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. But unequivocally, no shot about playing football again.

Q. You normally would have won $60,000 this week. Does that bum you out at all if this year --
KYLE WILLIAMS: I’ll say two things about that. With everything that’s going on in our country right now, there are better places for that money to be allocated than to us who get to come out here and spend a great week in this setting, at this tournament, enjoying old friends, new friends, all that. So that’s number one.

The other thing is I play as an amateur. So I wouldn’t have accepted any money anyway.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports