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Breed’s Reads
-There are three key tips to hitting an accurate tee shot like Jason Dufner. First, use lower body movements to start the swing. Second, let the hips drag the club head back. Third, sequence the swing from the ground up with your lower body, hips and upper body.
-To stop the chipping and pitching yips you have to move your hands differently. Put your right hand under your left palm facing forward to karate chop through your swing.
-Learn how to control your distance with your wedges by paying attention to both air and ground time. Use a symmetrical length backswing swing and follow through to create consistent loft.
-To improve your pace of play, be ready to hit the shot when it’s your turn. Take your pre-shot routine while your competitors are hitting.
Viewer Question (Facebook Exclusive)
Q: Was wondering how to attack the green with long irons. Need help on getting the ball to stop near the flag with little to no roll. Thanks, I love the show! (Jeremy Skinner - Destin, FL)
A: What kind of golf ball are you playing? Some are meant to roll out. Try the Titleist ProV-1. Then make sure you have control of the club face.
Behind the Scenes Photos
Tennessee Titans Defensive Back Jordan Babineaux got a tip from Michael and used it to rip the longest drive ever recorded in the Golf Channel studio simulator. Needless to say, both were quite proud of the accomplishment.
Next Week’s Show - Memorial Day Special (May 30, 2012)
-Michael Breed will give lessons to a pair of military veterans from Hope for the Warriors
-Michael will give a lesson on how to better know your grip
-Michael will answer viewer questions and give SwingFix breakdowns
-Post your questions for next week on Email, Facebook or Twitter