Welcome to week 3 of our new series Power with the Bosu Ball! With my golf fitness classes you can improve your golf game and increase your fitness level! For this series we are using a weighted power ball and a balance Bosu ball. The weighted ball is 4 pounds and compact to hold in the palm of your hand. Its gel like shell allows you to grip the ball using an isometric method which helps to increase strength in the hands and forearms. This helps with your club control! When you incorporate the Bosu balance ball into your workouts, you improve balance, flexibility and coordination for your golf swing by calling on the core muscles of the body. Both can be purchased in the Pro Shop. If you are just joining please take a look at week 1-4 to catch up!
Take these simple steps before beginning:
Step 1: To determine your current fitness level, take the Fitness Analyzer at KellyBlackburn.com
Step 2: Print a copy of the training log.
Step 3: Each week you will have a new exercise. This is a progressive workout which means that every week you will perform the new exercise along with the exercise from weeks prior.
Step 4: Perform the workout 2-3 times a week for maximum results!
Here are the benefits you can receive from this series:
1. Improve balance
2. Increase flexibility
3. Improve coordination
4. Strengthen core muscles: abdominal, mid and lower back muscles
Increase core strength, balance and power behind the ball. BOSU Balance Trainer helps to strengthen and coordinate your body including the muscles that you don’t see. BOSU Balance Trainer targets the core muscles of your body’those muscles around your abdominal and back area.
Lets get started!
Golf & Fitness Connection: This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, gluteus, adductors, abductors, hamstring and bicep muscles. Stronger biceps will help to keep the club on plane.
Power Lunge with Bicep Curl
Place one foot center of the Bosu dome and place the opposite foot back. Grip the power ball with one hand. Flex the abdomen, glutes, bend both knees and slowly descend downward being careful not to move forward over the front knee. Simultaneously curl the ball upward flexing the bicep. Hold for a 4 second count and slowly return to the start position. Repeat for the recommended number of reps. Repeat to the opposite side.
Recommended Reps:
Par Level:10 reps
Birdie Level:15 reps
Eagle Level:20 reps
Golf & Fitness Connection: This exercise strengthens the chest for balance of the upper back muscles. This will assist in keeping your chest open at address.
Chest Bridge Press
Lie face up on the Bosu trainer with your upper back, neck and heading resting on the Bosu. Grip the power ball in one hand and place the elbowdown on the floor with the forearm upward. Flex the abdomen and glutes. Slowly lift the buttocks upward pressing through the heels while simultaneously pressing the power ball upward working the chest. Hold for a 4 second count and slowly return to the start position. Repeat for the recommended number of reps. Repeat to the opposite side.
Recommended Reps:
Par Level:10 reps
Birdie Level:15 reps
Eagle Level:20 reps
Click here for training aids from the Golf Fitness Pro Shop!
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Editor’s Note: Kelly Blackburn has traveled the PGA Tour and Champions Tour circuits as a fitness consultant and trainer for 13 years. Kelly welcomes your email questions and comments, contact her at BlackburnOnTour@aol.com. Visit KellyBlackburn.com to learn more about health and fitness for golf.