They’ve made a mini-celebration out of “Truck Day” in Boston -- that day when the semis full of gear leave Fenway and head down to Ft. Myers -- for the past ten years or so. Kinda silly, but a nice enough little ceremony. Better than the groundhog as far as harbingers of spring go anyway.
This is the first year, however, where I’ve heard of other teams -- or fans of other teams -- making hay over their own Truck Days. The chatter on this has been growing all week. has a whole article about it today, talking about various trucks leaving various parks for various spring training destinations. Which leads me to ask two questions:
1) Has this always happened? I’ll grant that I may have missed it in the past -- I’m obviously following things a lot closer this winter than I did back when I was a working stiff -- but I have no memory whatsoever of anyone but the Red Sox making a big deal out of it before this year, and even then it was a really minor and relatively recent phenomenon;
2) If I’m not imagining it and it is a new thing, do we give the people at MLB credit for coming up with a new marketing/promotional thing, or do we heap scorn on them for synthesizing some phony fan event, ripping off the Red Sox or whatever? Because I’m kind of confused about it.