Of course it’s Bob Klapisch who, after noting that he is a subscriber to and reader of a magazine that features nude pictures of Matt Harvey this week, argues that it’s a real awful bad thing for Matt Harvey to pose nude in that magazine this week:
We’re beginning to learn there’s more to Harvey’s success than a blistering 98-mph fastball. He’s also been blessed with a keen self-awareness, which means he knew exactly what he was getting into with ESPN, not to mention a follow-up photo fashion shoot with the New York Post. Turns out Harvey’s talent and brains are matched by his ego and vanity ... Harvey has nothing to be ashamed of. He’s baseball’s most dynamic young arm and, as the magazine proves, in great shape. But why would Harvey brand himself as the naked pitcher? What’s the upside to such a reputation? If Harvey wants to prove he’s enlightened and open-minded, there are a million other ways to express that without putting a bull’s-eye on his back.
“Ego and vanity!” So serious these nudie photos are! Such an unprofessional, narcissistic thing to do! It’s something A-Rod -- that awful human being -- would do, not professionals.
In other news:
Know what? I think Harvey is gonna be just fine.