Dustin Penner’s pancake-related injury has inspired Sportsnet.ca to compile a top-10 list of the “craziest non-hockey NHL injuries.”
Our favorite? Former goalie Glenn Healy cutting his hand for 40 stitches while cleaning his bagpipes. In hindsight, his biggest mistake was buying bagpipes made of knives.
Honorary mention goes to then-Canucks defenseman Brent Sopel, who threw out his back picking up a cracker in 2007. Although in fairness, it was a Triscuit, and you could chuck one of those through a brick wall.
Notable omission from the list is another former Canuck, Michael Grabner, who in 2009 tore up his ankle playing soccer in the hallway before a game.
“I just jumped up and my heel got caught on the wall and I landed on my toes and rolled over,” explained Grabner.
/pictures it and tries not to laugh
//laughs, but doesn’t feel bad because he recovered, scored a bunch of goals and now he’s rich