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Big Break Greenbrier’s Liam Friedman Swing Sequence

Check out the swing sequence of Big Break Greenbrier player Liam Friedman.


A very fundamentally sound setup position, with the ball position just slightly forward in the stance.


Liam Friedman starts his backswing all in one piece staying connected beautifully.


Just shy of half way back, Liam Friedman has great extension and the toe of his club is pointing straight up at the sky.


His left arm is completely straight, and the club is as far as it possibly can be from his body, giving him great width.


Big Break Greenbriers Liam Friedman has a nice short, compact backswing, which will generate a lot of power!


As Liam Friedman starts his down swing, you will notice his left knee move to the outside of his left foot. This is picture perfect.


Here his hands have arrived at the ball, and the club still has some time to go until it too arrives at the ball. This lag is what gives Liam Friedman the ability to hit the ball solid, and far.


After making contact with the ball, Big Break Greenbriers Liam Friedman is in a great position with his hips cleared and his right arm completely extended.


If Liam Friedman was hitting a punch shot his swing would finish here, with all his weight on is left side and an abbreviated follow through.


Here Liam Friedman has arrived at his finish position, and has created a straight line from his right shoulder to his left foot. This is absolutely perfect!


Big Break Greenbriers Liam Friedman sets up well, with his feet, hips, and shoulders all aiming at his target.


Liam Friedman has the club in a perfect position here, it may look a little closed, but due to his spine angle this is perfectly square!


Here Liam Friedman has the club on plane beautifully. Notice how the club is going directly through his right shoulder.


When arriving at the top, instead of the club dissecting the right shoulder, it is now Liam Friedmans left arm. The toe of the club now points at his target.


From this angle you can really see how his left knee has started his downswing, and he has flattened out his plane to allow him to attack the ball.


Big Break Greenbriers Liam Friedman has the club in a PERFECT position here. Notice how the shaft of the club and his right forearm match up on his way to the ball!


After making contact with the ball, Liam Friedman has the club directly in front of him and has released the toe of the club completely.


Liam Friedman has maintained his spine angle perfectly and his right arm and shoulders match up, which means at this point in the swing he is still perfectly on plane.


Big Break Greenbriers Liam Friedman has arrived at his finish and is in a picture perfect position.