Last year the Rangers staggered and sort of fell backwards into the playoffs. This year they’re staggering again and may not make it at all. If you do that two years in a row, someone’s gotta take the fall, right?
Maybe not the manager, though.
Two smart takes on that today. First from Ken Rosenthal, who says that while some may call for Ron Washington’s head if the Rangers miss the playoffs, the more interesting thing to watch may be the front office dynamics. Could Nolan Ryan regain the power he’s lost? The second take is from Yahoo!'s Tim Brown who says that this isn’t Wash’s fault so he shouldn’t take the fall.
I agree. Nelson Cruz’s absence and the simple failure to execute by the players who are there is what’s happening. I can’t look to anything Washington has or has not done to warrant his dismissal. Not that people won’t be calling for his or someone else’e head anyway.