Unveilved at the recent PGA Merchandise Show, Bag Boy unveiled its Quad model, the company’s f
irst-ever four-wheel model of push carts.
Constructed with a lightweight aluminum frame, the Bag Boy’s newest push cart innovation was built on a reinforced four-wheel platform, promoting superior stability, while offering a simple two-step folding process which makes it easy to transport and store.
The Quad comes fully loaded with an array of golfer-friendly features such as a handle mounted parking brake; oversized zippered storage bag; quick grab beverage holder; unlimited handle adjustments that accommodate golfers of all heights; deluxe scorecard holder with pencil holder; padded compartment and secure umbrella holder; integrated tee and ball holder; and lightweight, solid foam maintenance free tires.
The Quad, which will be available at green grass and retail locations nationwide in April and comes in yellow, silver, red, navy, white and matte black, with a suggested retail price of $199.95.