Nick Piecoro has an update to the suspension of Diamondbacks announcer Daron Sutton. We heard yesterday from Jerry Crasnick of ESPN that the dispute was possibly about the dress code, and that Sutton was suspended due to “insubordination,” though it wasn’t very specific. Now Nick has this:
A source confirmed that dispute to The Republic, saying that while the club prefers its broadcast team to wear polo shirts adorned with the Diamondbacks logo, Sutton has lobbied to wear suits.
That’s backwards from what a lot of people assumed when this was reported yesterday. And no, I have no idea when the pic attached to this post was taken. I assume it was on the same day this was created.
In other news, what would you do to a co-worker who totally tried to kill casual days? Man, buzzkill, Daron. Buzzkill.