The odds of picking a perfect bracket are 9 quintillion to 1. That’s 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 1, or just slightly larger than Alabama State’s chances at cutting down the net.
But if any bracket is going to defy those odds, chances are you’ll find it below. (Hah!)
What follows are NCAA tournament selections from the five guys who’ll be responsible for our coverage: Rob Dauster, Nick Fasulo, David Hess, Ken Davis and yours truly.
All of us have Pitt in our Final Fours, but none us uf have the Panthers winning it all. That tally breaks down like this: Ohio State (2), Kansas (2), Duke. Guess we’re chalky.
To anyone who follows our advice and wins their pool, you’re welcome. Just doing our jobs.
Rob Dauster
Nick Fasulo
David Hess
Ken Davis
Mike Miller
You also can follow me on Twitter @MikeMillerNBC.