With a NCAA waiver in hand that will allow him to play two more years at SMU, ex-Texas quarterback Garrett Gilbert has only his undergraduate degree to complete this spring so that he can play immediately for the Mustangs.
What wasn’t previously known is how much Gilbert, a junior, has left to finish.
The Dallas Morning News reports that Gilbert is taking 27 credit hours this semester in order to graduate from UT in May with a degree in sports management. That’s roughly a year’s worth of class in a few months*.
(*Okay, maybe that’s more like 34 or 36 hours for you overachievers. I bet you had a full-time job with no car and walked uphill in the snow both ways too.)
(Also, feel free to make any appropriate jokes about sports management majors)
Gilbert told the DMN that he’s taking nine total courses -- six traditional and three online -- to complete his degree. The QB added that he’s not allowed to view the playbook from the coaches and is continuing to work on his throwing. Gilbert had season-ending shoulder surgery last fall.