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Live blog: Notre Dame vs. Navy

Brian Kelly Purdue

It’s been seven long days for both Notre Dame and Navy, both looking to get a terrible taste from their mouths after losing big games last weekend. The Irish need to forget laying an egg against USC while Navy needs to erase another heart-stopping loss, this one at the hands of East Carolina, as the 2-5 Midshipmen come to Notre Dame Stadium to continue the country’s longest uninterrupted intersectional rivalry.

As usual, you’ll have options here. If you’re looking for a way to watch the game online, click here for’s Digital player, where you’ll be able to watch the game in sparkling HD quality with DVR capabilities. Even better, if you feel like chatting with me -- just ask a question inside the player.

If you’re here for the live-blog, I’ll be down-below chatting and keeping people calm throughout the afternoon. While you won’t listen, here’s one more reminder to keep the crazy in your own home, the negativity to a minimum, and just try to enjoy another wonderful football Saturday.

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