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What Every Golfer Wants

What Every Golfer Wants

NOTE: Finally! The only online, interactive Mental Game Training Video of its kind is available to you for only $299! (This intro price is only good until April 1, 2008).You can take part in the same program I teach private clients for a fraction of the cost, no matter where you live, work or play! To learn more about this course, Click Here. To see FREE intro and sample videos, Click Here (then click on Product Tour)

And now todays article

What does every golfer want? Of course, people play the game of golf for different reasons. Some play for fun, to be with friends, relax or be outdoors. Others like the competitive aspect of the game, have a desire to do their best, compete in tournaments or even play at the professional level.

No matter what your reason for playing the game, the desire to play up to ones potential and shoot lower scores remains a common thread.

Daniel, a 15 handicap, called me last week because he believes he can play better than his scores indicate and he was frustrated by what he called, the gap between what I know and what Im doingon the golf course. Daniel, like many golfers I speak with believes that the mechanics of his golf swing are most important. Daniel also told me that he reads a lot of books on golf and that he believes the psychology of the game is also very important. How much of the game is mental? I asked. About 70%, he said. How much time do you spend developing that 70%?I asked. Not that much, he replied. This gap caused Daniel to experience inconsistency in his game as it does for golfers of any handicap. Of the players Ive polled, 95% say the mental game IS important yet less than 10% of them formally develop it for a number of reasons which Ive written about in other articles.

What if I told you the mental game impacted your performance 100% of the timeand I could prove it?I asked Daniel. Thats not possible, he said. Why not? I asked. What about managing the course and mechanics? he fired back. Sure those things are important but it all begins within. Do you want the proof? Sure he dared.

The mental game, as I teach it, is made up of 4 components. They are; the mind, body, emotions and spirit of every player. The great news is; you already have all of these tools at your disposal and you dont need to go anywhere to find them. Look at it this way. Even the most highly trained and skilled musician cannot make an out-of-tune instrument play well. Youre trying to play great music on an instrument thats out of tune. Tune the instrument and it plays great music!

Now the proof. Every time you put your hands on the golf cluball four elements are ALWAYS in play. You could try to find a time when theyre not in play but you wont find it. The truth is; there are predictable and undeniable laws by which your mind, emotions and body produce outcomes, the kind of outcomes you experience on the golf course. They have always been doing this and they always will. You have a choice. You can learn what they are and begin to use them to get what you want or you could ignore them. Either waytheyre still operating. When you put them in sync (in tune) they will allow you to produce your best golf. I know you are hooked on mechanics but it all begins within. The laws function for everyone. There are no exceptions.

So it is with you. Whether youre a 30 handicap or +3 index, you can set yourself up to play your best more often. Talent alone will take you only so far. How a person uses their INNER GAME tools is what allows the talent to show up more often. No matter what your current skill level or particular outcomes, putting the INNER GAME back in sync allows you to experience an improved outer game. Every golfer I know wants to play their best and lower their scores.

It all begins within.

To Your Best Golf!

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    Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved. David Breslow is a national speaker, author and Performance Consultant. His book, Wired To Win is available at 888.280.7715 or online by clicking here. His clients include professional athletes (PGA, LPGA, other sports) as well as Business and the Private Sector. He brings a fresh, direct, no-nonsense revolutionary approach to unleashing Human Performance helping people make quicker and more powerful shifts in attitude, behavior, and action. His articles are read by over 400,000 people per month on The Golf Channel website and David frequently speaks to organizations of all sizes who want to create real shifts in how people, think, feel and perform every day. For more info on the Interactive Video Training Course, One on One consultation, E-Books and Presentations; please visit: or email: or call: 847.681.0247.