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Power of positive thought

The final stage of Q-School isn’t about star power – although the likes of David Duval and Rickie Fowler, world beaters past and future, at next month’s finale will test that theory – it is about survival and, to a lesser degree, the type of feel-good story that may not make the front page but sure make the sports pages worth reading.

Jay Williamson, an easily likable 42-year-old father of three, was at ease with his potential Q-School plight outside the top 150 in earnings last week at the Children’s Miracle Network Classic. “It’s OK,” he said of a looming trip to second stage, “I’ve made it through before.”

On the same sunny Saturday afternoon at Disney, Kris Blanks also shrugged off the late-season pressure to retain a Tour card.

“Right now I’m just trying to work on my game and earn a little Christmas money,” said Blanks, who pointed out he was 2-for-3 in second-stage qualifiers at the Hombre Golf Club in north Florida, site of his Round 2 bout last week.

Dr. Phil would be proud, and, for the record, both cruised through the second round of Q-School to qualify for next month’s final stage, both testaments to the power of positive thought.