As mentioned on Saturday, MLB Network broadcaster Bob Costas met with and apologized to Cubs reliever Pedro Strop for an insensitive comment he made on air during Friday’s game between the Cubs and Cardinals.’s Carrie Muskat reports that Strop initially had no desire to meet with Costas, as he was hurt by the comment. “I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ Then I went on Twitter and saw the comments that he said. I felt pretty bad. At the moment, really bad. I didn’t want to talk to him. Somebody told me he wants to apologize to you, and I was like, ‘I don’t want to talk to him.’”
Strop met with Costas anyway and the two are now on good terms.“I saw him in the lobby and he apologized to me,” Strop said. “We all make mistakes, and I’m not going to judge him because he made a mistake. I feel better now that he apologized. We all do stuff that we have to apologize for.
“I came down and realized he’s a good dude,” Strop said. “A lot of people told me he’s a great guy and he’s a legend and one of the best at what he does. Everybody makes mistakes.”Follow @Baer_Bill