Over the weekend a report circulated that discipline meted out to Jose Reyes, Aroldis Chapman and anyone else subject to the league’s domestic violence policy would include spring training games. Which caused a bit of a stir given that, for major league players on guaranteed contracts, being forced to sit out spring training games is a reward, not a punishment. It likewise caused some to worry that, for all of baseball’s tough talk, actual penalties under the new policy may be lighter than some may like to see.
Today Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times reports, however, that suspensions will not include spring games. All penalties will consist of regular season games. Which is how drug suspensions and other suspensions work.
There are rumblings that the suspensions are coming soon. As we noted recently, Chapman says he will appeal any suspension he gets. Meanwhile the Rockies are not particularly eager to have Jose Reyes in camp, which will happen in two days barring any word on punishment before then.