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Notes from afar

I’m not going to pretend like I’ve been attending the Tuesday practices open to the media each week. But I definitely have been reading the practice reports from writers who have been attending practice each week, so consider this a crib sheet from one of the more interesting practice sessions the Irish have had this season.

* Jimmy Clausen was wearing a protective boot on his left foot and did not practice. Weis mentioned that Jimmy is getting his shoe fitted with a plate that’ll take pressure away from his “turf toe” injury. (I use quotes because ever the conspiracy theorist, John Walters points out that Weis isn’t under any NCAA edict to tell the truth about the foot injury.)

* Irish Sports Daily points out that former Irish great Chris Zorich was in attendance at practice on Tuesday, as well as scouts from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Indianapolis Colts. ISD also reported that the special teams work by the punters had them suspecting that the competition for the starting punter job is alive and well, with Brandon Walker, Ben Turk, Eric Maust, and a few walk-ons all lined up and punting.

* Watching video of the Irish at practice from Irish Eyes, the physicality of Duval Kamara is immediately noticeable. Even in individual drills, he’s got an explosiveness that continues to remind you that there is a ton of potential underneath those shoulderpads and helmet. Shaq Evans is another guy that just pops out at you when watching, those two could be the true X factors as the season rolls along.

* Tim Prister reports for Irish Illustrated on the hard work that the defensive is doing, as long as providing a candidate for comment of the day from co-defensive coordinator Jon Tenuta. More from Prister:

With Filer at Sam, McDonald at Mike and David Posluszny at Will, Tenuta adds a wrinkle to the look provided by the walk-ons playing on the show team. Posluszny makes the right move. “I thought I had you, Poz!” says a pleasantly surprised Tenuta. “But I told you: grow your hair out like your brother.”

Pete Sampson watched the offense, and thinks that the Irish might turn to a shorter, precision passing game to counter the loss of Mister Michael Floyd. He also was impressed with what he saw in Deion Walker.

* Tony Krausz of the Journal Gazette has a tidbit from running backs coach Tony Alford that’s my winner for comment of the day. Alford was all over Hughes during individual work, and the newly transitioned fullback had to endure his share of abuse from his coach, mostly over load he’s carrying.

“Hey fat boy. How much you weigh today?” Alford asked Hughes.

Alford stayed all over Hughes for his conditioning, even asking Hughes if he should be getting him up at 5:30 every morning to run him. “Hell no,” Hughes responded.

Krausz also reports on Frank Verducci and the offensive line work, as well as some drills the secondary were going through, hopefully to tighten up some of the loose coverage that’s been going on.

* In a completely unrelated note, Subway Domer created a video that is pretty hilarious. Well done. (Expect a call from our lawyers shortly...)