The golf world uses Twitter to share news and offer a glimpse into players’ lives and thoughts. Here are the best tweets from the past 24 hours.
You can nominate your favorites from the day as well by re-tweeting the best 140-character dispatches with the hashtag #GCTOTD.
Let’s start with Scott Stallings doing some reporting on Jason Sobel’s attempt at the No. 15.5 at TPC River Highlands on Tuesday.
@stallingsgolf Check out @JasonSobelGC work a wedge on #16 at the @TravelersChamp
The LPGA is in Canada this week for the Manulife Classic, near the home of Blackberry maker Research in Motion.
@TheChristinaKim Finally got into Canada for the @ManulifeClassic and I am so stoked to be here!!! It’s the home to the bberry!! Squeak!!
Brittany Lincicome isn’t in the LPGA field this week, but spent some time in the skies.
@brittany1golf In the first row :-). Look at me!!!! Hopefully 3 seats to ourselves (for dad and I) This is kinda first class LOL
The fellas of the PGA Tour sometimes arrive at an event with little time to spare.
@IanJamesPoulter Just got on the plane taking off in 6 mins. Landing into Hartford at 10.30 let’s go guys tee off 1.20 #TwitPict
Brendan Steele was delayed involuntarily.
@Brendan_Steele Still in Newark and looking at a 7:20AM pro am time. #eastcoasttruck #brutaltravelday #@five_ohh
And, finally, Bubba Watson caught Keegan Bradley breaking the Rules of Golf.
@bubbawatson I know how @Keegan_Bradley hits it so far, he tees up in front of the tees!! #CaughtYou
Keegan can explain.
@Keegan_Bradley hometown advantage