You knew this was coming. After taking plenty of heat for his ill-advised comments to Sports Illustrated comparing the scrutiny Bryce Harper faces to that of Jackie Robinson, the Nationals released a statement this evening from director of player development Doug Harris.
Here’s the statement in full, via Ben Goessling of“I’d like to clarify my remarks as they appear in Tom Verducci’s recent Sports Illustrated feature story on Bryce Harper. In talking to Tom, my sole intent was to speak to the scrutiny that Harper faces on a daily basis.
“That said, the hardships that Mr. Robinson endured in/around 1947 were unique and historical in context. While Harper’s current situation is extraordinary by most measures, it pales in comparison to the life of Mr. Robinson, nor will it approach the lasting impact. I regret making this ill-fated correlation.”Nobody will question that with the internet, Twitter, blogs, smartphones and, among other sources, we’re going to know more about Harper when (or if) he reaches the majors than probably any prospect before him. Hopefully Harris has learned that he could have supported his larger point (and had a lot less of a headache) without resorting to silly and pointless hyperbole.