Back on Dec. 1, when the Spursv were in Los Angeles, Manu Ginobili thought he saw a strange light in the sky.
He told Jeff McDonald of the Express-News he thought a plane was crashing at nearby Santa Monica Airport, but that turned out not to be the case. So he tweeted about it, put it up on Facebook and moved on…
Then Friday TMZ posted a video of the light and Ginobili talking about it, taken by a fan there to collect autographs. And so now we all want to know — what did Manu really see?
More importantly did it cause his shooting slump? From Dec. 1 — when Ginobili saw the light and for all we know was abducted by aliens — he is shooting 29.2 percent. He is 6 of 23 from three since then.
Coincidence? That’s what Scully thought, but we all know Mulder was right. Things happen for a reason. The truth is out there.