Not surprisingly, the “career” of De’Andre Johnson at Florida State was a short one.
Shortly after security footage of a disturbing incident surfaced, FSU announced that Johnson has been dismissed from the football program. Earlier this month, Johnson was charged with misdemeanor battery after video from a Tallahassee drinking establishment showed him punching a female during the course of a verbal/physical incident that turned extremely physical.
Here’s the Orlando Sentinel‘s account of what led to Johnson’s charges and, ultimately, his dismissal:According to the [Tallahassee Police Department] report, Johnson allegedly pushed a woman from behind “aggressively” when she approached the bar. The woman turned around to address Johnson and “raised her right arm to defend herself” when Johnson allegedly “grabbed her arm that was raised and began pushing her.”
The woman raised her knee to Johnson’s midsection to push him away and attempted to punch Johnson. One witness heard the woman yell “no” twice before Johnson allegedly punched her in the face, causing bruising under her left eye, swelling to her left cheek and upper lip, and a small cut on her nose.
The woman’s account is consistent with video obtained from security cameras, according to the police department.
For what it’s worth, Johnson’s attorney, Jose Baez, released a self-serving statement on his client’s behalf.
For those who haven’t seen the video of the incident, it appears below. You decide how much longer it’s going to be OK for a man to punch a woman... I’m sorry, decide whether this woman deserved to be punched by a “man.”
Johnson was a four-star member of FSU’s 2015 recruiting class who will likely get a shot somewhere else at some level of college football because of his physical talent.