If there were ever a holiday worth mentioning on this here site besides the major ones -- Christmas, New Year’s, Independence Day and the like -- it has to be Mother’s Day. I mean, barring some bizarre medical phenomena, it was your mother who, as my own mom puts it, “birthed ya”.
And made your lunches. And kissed your “boo boos”. And, in my case, cried uncontrollably when you left for college.
So, if you feel inclined, make sure you tell your mom, stepmom, mother figure or whoever you see fit, how much you love her and how much you appreciate everything she did (and continues to do) for you.
Or, for our readers who are awesome enough to call themselves “mom”, we sincerely hope you have a great day with your family.
We’ll continue to update the site throughout the day as things come up, but for your sake, we might actually take a break and spend time with our own moms.