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QA Top Ten - Week 6 - COPIED

Q&A Top Ten!

Welcome to week 6 of our Q & A top ten. Many of you email me weekly with questions regarding your fitness routine and how it relates to your golf game. Ive narrowed those questions down to a top ten! Over the next 10 weeks Ill answer your questions so be sure to read the Fitness section of The Golf Channel each week to see if your question made the top ten! You can find all of the training aids used to demonstrate the exercises in the golf fitness Pro Shop.

Question: Kelly ' ' I travel for work and I dont feel comfortable in the gym. Do you have exercises that will benefit my game that I can do in my hotel room?
Karen C '
Naples, FL

Answer: Karen ' I have the perfect solution! You can pack resistance tubing and do a complete workout from the comfort of your room. Heres an exercise that will help you improve the stability of your foundation and increase the power in your hip girdle which will equate to more distance off the tee!



Place both feet center of the tubing and spread feet shoulder width apart to increase tension. Raise both hands to shoulder height. Bending the knees, slowly descend sitting back as though you were sitting in a chair. It should take you to the count of 4 to get to a comfortable squat. Now hold for 4 counts. Slowly return to the start position for 4 counts and repeat.

Tip: Count slowly. Example: 1:1,000 / 2:1,000 / 3:1,000 / 4. Ive worked with some that count so quickly, they might as well be counting by 2s! Remember the slowly the better the benefit!

Recommended Reps:
Par Level:8 - 10 reps
Birdie Level:12 - 15 reps
Eagle Level:18 - 20 reps

Click here for training aids from the Golf Fitness Pro Shop!

Related Links:

  • Kelly Blackburn Article Archive
  • Health & Fitness Main Page

    Editor’s Note: Kelly Blackburn has traveled the PGA Tour and Champions Tour circuits as a fitness consultant and trainer for 13 years. Kelly welcomes your email questions and comments, contact her at Visit to learn more about health and fitness for golf.