It’s quite a litigious day around Major League Baseball. First A-Rod, now Albert Pujols:
You’ll recall that Clark accused Pujols of using steroids on Clark’s short-lived radio show back in August. His claim at the time was that Pujols’ trainer, Chris Mihlfeld told Clark about Pujols’ alleged steroid use while Clark and Mihlfeld were both on staff in the late 1990s with the Los Angels Dodgers. Mihfeld denied Clark’s claims about any such conversations and Pujols has vehemently denied steroid use. Clark and his co-host were fired after the incident.
As I’ve explained at length in the past, there is a lot to lose when you sue for defamation, even if you are telling the truth and even if the defendant is lying. As such, many public figures like Pujols let such things pass than to go through the expense and hassle of filing suit.
Pujols, however, obviously feels strongly about this. And if Clark has spread malicious lies about him, it’s completely understandable that he’d sue, even though success is not guaranteed.