In case you had a life over the weekend or, in case you did something silly with your time like pay attention to football, you may have missed the news of Alex Rodriguez’s 162-game suspension being affirmed by an arbitrator. Or, at the very least, you may have missed HardballTalk’s coverage of the news. If so:
- A-Rod gets a 162-game suspension;
- He will try to appeal it to federal court, but here’s why he has little chance of success;
- The winners and losers of the A-Rod decision;
- A big winner? Bud Selig, who just had a huge power grab pay off;
- Complete statements by A-Rod, the Yankees and Anthony Bosch;
- The Players Union disagrees with the ruling, but is now washing its hands of the matter;
- Where do the Yankees go from here?
- What does this do to Alex Rodriguez’s legacy?
- This is awkward: A-Rod could still participate in spring training;
- And, if he wants to, he could play for the Long Island Ducks;
- In the meantime: lots of sniping back and forth over everyone going on “60 Minutes”
- Controversial or not, Tony Bosch dropped some interesting bombs on “60 Minutes” all the same.
There will no doubt be more to spin out of all of this. And, as always, we will have it covered like nobody’s business. But at least now you’re caught up.