UPDATE: Tom Haudricort confirms that the Brewers met with Boras yesterday to talk about a Fielder extension. No offer was made, but the fact that they’re even talking now is unusual for a high-profile Boras client.
5:15 P.M.: Brewers’ beat writer Adam McCalvy noted some strange behavior by the Milwaukee brass (Milwaukee brass?) today:
Ash wouldn’t dish, either, joking to a reporter that, “we don’t have to tell you guys everything.”
McCalvy speculates that they were off meeting Scott Boras at some undisclosed location to discuss Prince Fielder’s contract. I suppose that’s entirely possible. It’s also entirely possible that they all just “took a little trip” to the ladies room to powder their noses.
At least that’s the rumor I’m going to start spreading unless someone in the know gives me the dirt on what would be an unprecedentedly early contract negotiation for a Scott Boras client.