“@iknowjado: I miss my bro @BenRevere9” miss you too no homo
— Ben Revere (@BenRevere9) September 5, 2013
In case you’re unaware, the “no homo” thing is a longstanding phrase used by some to distance themselves from homosexuality. The presumption being that anyone who dare express love or affection or even friendship for someone of the same sex is homosexual and thus a “no homo” disclaimer is needed. It’s evidence of a mindset in which it is a very, very bad thing to be misperceived as even possibly being homosexual and that even the slightest hint of male-male affection could present such a “danger.”
Funny part: it came just after Revere’s tweet about being “bootylicious” yesterday. Strange that he didn’t immediately feel the need to reassure us that he wasn’t, in fact, Beyonce.
In any event, Major League Baseball adopted a social media policy last year that, among other things, prohibits players from tweeting sexist, racist, bigoted or homophobic things. The “no homo” thing is the very definition of homophobia in that the speaker is afraid of being mistaken for homosexual. Let’s see if Major League Baseball sees this and does anything to Revere.