The Wilpons and Mets team president Saul Katz met with commissioner Bud Selig earlier today, according to the Associated Press.
It doesn’t appear that this was an emergency meeting, as it was scheduled a couple weeks in advance. Still, according to Peter Botte of the New York Daily News, the team’s financial issues were a topic of conversation.
As you surely know by now, the Wilpons announced last Friday that they hope to sell 20 to 25 percent of the team in order to recover from any judgment or settlement in regards to Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
This is all pretty depressing stuff, but someone -- we can only assume it wasn’t the Mets, since it was taken down -- put up a listing on Craiglist (hat tip to MetsBlog) offering “partial ownership of the Mets.” Too bad we can only see a part of the listing in the screenshot, as I am really curious if one of the conditions of the “meet-and-greet” with Keith Hernandez included helping him move.