There was a massive open-air party at City Hall in San Francisco last night to watch Game 4. And after Game 4 ended, it turned slightly ugly:
... small groups of onlookers went on the rampage early Monday morning, lighting a bus on fire, throwing bottles and injuring several people ... Police scanners described a group of as many as 100 rioters setting fires, smashing windows, throwing bottles at police and damaging cars. By 2:30 a.m. police were reporting that the rioters had scattered, and city crews were cleaning up the burned material and broken glass from the streets so that they could be reopened in time for the morning rush hour.
Not gonna put too fine a point on it, but there were many folks I encounter on the Internet -- many who count themselves Giants fans -- who made jokes about how Detroit would riot if the Tigers won the series, and oh how uncivilized and awful those people are in that terrible city.