David Lennon of Newsday spoke with R.A. Dickey this morning and asked him how he feels about the Mets appealing the official scorers decision to call the ball hit to David Wright in last night a hit instead of an error. He was pretty candid about it:
“It would be weird. I don’t know if it would be quite as satisfying. I think the asterisk beside the no-hitter would get more attention than the no-hitter, you know? Plus, you’re not pitching the eighth, ninth inning with the pressure of a no-hitter going. It would be a little bit cheap. But, for the integrity of the game, I think it’s worthy of a review, just to make sure.”
The stuff about pressure is a good point. The play in question happened in the first inning, thus taking the no-no and its attendant pressure off the table early. I bet most pitchers would agree that pitching in the late innings of a no hitter is a totally different deal.