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Come see the Nets, we’ll do your taxes

The worst job in America is waiting tables at the Denny’s in Hollywood from midnight until 4 am, when you are just slammed because all the drunk but broke hipsters show up to order “Moons over my Hammy” then realize they don’t have money left for a tip.

Second worst, marketing manager for the New Jersey Nets. “Hey, come see us lose. Again.”

But credit the marketing people at the Nets for trying. They have given away everything from jerseys to opposing teams to pizzas.

Now, they will even do your taxes. Seriously. Not Chris Quinn or Rafer Alston, they would just turn all your money over to the government, but actual tax people the Nets hired. From our friends at Inside Hoops”

Roni Deutch Tax Center, one of the nation’s fastest growing tax preparation franchise companies, will provide all New Jersey residents 18 years and older who attend the NETS-Orlando Magic game at the IZOD CENTER on Friday, March 5 with a coupon for preparation of a free state tax return.

Through a new partnership with NETS Basketball, Roni Deutch Tax Center will have representatives on site at NETS Tax Night on March 5 to answer tax-related questions before and during the game.

You may hate doing your taxes, but that will be less painful than watching what the Magic will do to the Nets.