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Ellis and Curry: Detente

Monta Ellis used to be The Man for Golden State. Then came this year’s draft and now Stephen Curry is The Man for Golden State. Two guys who essentially play the same role. Both up and coming stars in the Association. Both want to take the big shot.

Big surprise these two aren’t tight. And Ellis has some reason to be frustrated, according to Matt Steinmetz:

Ellis didn’t play much as a rookie. Got into only 49 games, averaged 18 minutes. He thought he was good and should be playing more, but he couldn’t get on the floor. But here comes Curry in his first season, surely in a different circumstance, but he’s getting 40-plus minutes per game.

Not only that, Curry’s been given extraordinary freedom, something Ellis never sniffed his first year or two in the league. It certainly doesn’t help that coach Don Nelson seems to go out of his way to praise Curry but is reluctant to compliment Ellis.

For now, there is a Detente between the sides.

In part because of Don Nelson’s style of play, Ellis and Curry are just fine playing along side each other for now, both getting plenty of shots. Both had a chance at a game tying shot against the Lakers Monday night (both missed). But that doesn’t mean after the game they are heading out to Bocadillos together.

At some point, Golden State management may have to choose between them, but for now they can play along side each other. Just don’t expect them to be tight.