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Howard’s rant inspires Blazers

With all Juwan Howard has accomplished, you’d think he’d be pretty contented guy. After all, he’s a member of the Fab Five, one of the NBA’s oldest rotation players, and the former beneficiary of one of the most favorable contracts ever. Howard has been an unexpectedly vital contributor to the Blazers this season; with the Blazer frontline ravaged by injuries, Howard averaged 8 points and 7 rebounds per game during the month of January.

The 37-year old Howard has also provided a veteran presence. And according The Oregonian’s Jason Quick, sometimes “providing a veteran presence” is a synonym for “screaming at everybody in order to motivate them.”

According to Quick, Howard went on an expletive-filled tirade in the Blazer locker room after the team’s loss to the Thunder. At one point, he demolished the tub of ice that players put their feet in. The young Blazer team responded to Howard’s call to arms, and bounced back with a win against the Phoenix Suns last night. Even though Howard is nearing the end of his NBA journey, he’s clearly got as much fire as ever.