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Joel Embiid: ‘SIPS.........’

Joel Embiid

Philadelphia 76ers’ Joel Embiid (21) reacts after scoring during the second half of Game 3 of a first-round NBA basketball playoff series against the Miami Heat, Thursday, April 19, 2018, in Miami. The 76ers won 128-108. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)


Update: It seems likely Embiid was referring to this eating-and-drinking event.


When the story of Bryan Colangelo’s alleged burner Twitter accounts broke, 76ers center Joel Embiid got off his jokes, shared Colangelo’s denial while expressing it would be “really bad” if true, called for time for facts to come out and said he ultimately didn’t believe Colangelo was behind the accounts.

As the 76ers reportedly move toward believing Colangelo’s account, Embiid is chiming in again.


The usual warning: Read into vague tweets at your own peril.

But the tweets contained harsh criticism of Embiid’s handling of injuries, devotion, attitude and standing within Philadelphia. Even if Colangelo didn’t write them – if someone close to him, like his wife, did – do they reflect Colangelo’s views?

If Embiid wanted to make that question his business, he could.