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Luis Scola needs a nap

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It was inevitable. We had too many “No, I feel great” comments about playing in FIBA this summer. We needed the inevitable comment from someone who just admits they’re exhausted. Playing a full season, then playing in training camp for FIBA, then the travel, then the play in FIBA, then training camp for the league? That’s just a lot to deal with.

And Luis Scola is struggling dealing with it.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Scola is feeling tired as training camp starts, a repercussion of the summer international play that he says usually doesn’t bother him till midseason.

“Usually what happens is in the beginning of the season I feel good,” Scola said. “In the middle of the season, I get a bad time, and then I pick it back up. Usually at this part of the year I’m OK.

Scola does say he’ll be fine, just has to get his second wind. But the Rockets can’t really afford a slow start after giving Scola a fat new contract this summer. He’s a pivotal part of their team plan. He’ll be fine, eventually, but don’t be surprised if he takes it easy the first few weeks. Even admitting it publicly is an indication of how significant his exhaustion is. FIBA strikes again!