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Mike Brown fired as Cavaliers coach

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While you were watching the Lost finale, Mike Brown was losing his job.

Multiple sources are reporting that the Cavaliers coach was fired Sunday night.

This was expected after the Cavaliers were ousted from the second round of the playoffs by the Celtics. But while everyone knew it was going to happen, it did not happen fast, Brown got to twist in the wind for a week.

Nine days ago Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert denied a report that he had already made up his mind about Brown, saying would make a decision in seven to 10 days. But he had a bigger gun to his head -- a Sunday night midnight deadline of $4.5 million. According to his contract if Brown was not released within 10 days of the Cavaliers season ending, he would have to be paid his full $4.5 million salary for next year. That deadline was midnight Sunday.

Now Brown is gone. It leaves a couple big questions.

First, what is next for Mike Brown? While the Cavaliers were not happy with him, at least some of the five teams still looking for coaches might have interest in a guy who coached a team to the best record in the East two seasons in a row. He is the kind of defensive-focused coach general managers prefer, he likely will get interviews.

Second, what is next for the Cavaliers? Or, more realistically, who can they hire as coach that will help keep LeBron James in town? Certainly, as any team would do with its biggest star, he would be consulted about anyone hired. But will it have any influence on his decision is hard to say. And right now everything Cleveland does is about getting him to stay. No first-time head coaches need apply here.