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Monta Ellis is just fine, thank you

Update 3:47 pm While the damage is not “serious” it is still a sprain, and Ellis will sit out tonight against the Clippers.

10:03 am When Monta Ellis went down clutching his knee with just under four minutes left against Dallas Monday night, it looked bad. Real bad. Ellis was clutching his left knee (one he had surgically repaired in high school) and rolling around on the floor.

But in a relief to Warriors fans (and trick shot fans everywhere) Ellis is fine -- MRI results showed just a mild sprain. He hyperextended it.

Ellis could suit up tonight, he’s listed as a game-time decision. Since he got shamefully overlooked for any big duties All-Star Weekend (he maybe should have made the team, he definitely should be playing HORSE) maybe taking a couple days off to rest his knee would be a good thing.