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PBT Tuesday morning one liners

Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard is a bit of a perfectionist, and this Magic team frustrates him. Read into that whatever you want about his future.

Nenad Kristic says the injury and time away was tough for him.

Tom Sanders was named to the Basketball Hall of Fame yesterday. If you just said “who?” then read this.

The developer is going to have the Nets new home in Brooklyn done on time for the 2012 season, but the planned development around it is delayed.

There’s another rally to keep the Kings in Sacramento planned. It just feels more like a wake.

Andrew Bynum credits his massive knee brace for saving his knee on Sunday when Lamar Odom fell into him.

Lakers fans got good news about Pau Gasol’s knee, but they are still holding their breath.

Mike D’Antoni says he doesn’t plan on resting his regulars. That noise you just heard was Amar’e Stoudemire’s legs crying out.

Kevin Martin’s house is Sacramento has been foreclosed on. (There’s probably a line about the Kings to be found with that but I’m not going to go there.)

Whatever Lang Whitaker does next, I’ll be reading it.

Shane Battier is not really finding his offensive groove in Memphis. Yet, anyway.

Optimism is not high in Dallas. (Note Mr. Cuban that this link is from your beloved print guy, not an Internet writer.)